Saturday, September 30, 2006

Top 12 Parenting Tips

by Dr Sal Severe

Parenting requires countless sacrifices and continuous hard work, but the rewards are plenty. To be successful parents, Dr. Sal offers these tips:

1) Welcome change in yourself and your children. See change as positive. Seek self-improvement.

2) Possess good judgment. Know the difference between mischief and misconduct.

3) Have a sense of humor about raising children.

4) Believe that discipline is a teaching process. It is not simply punishment. Discipline is everything you do to teach children to be responsible and think for themselves.

5) Focus on the positive attitudes and behavior in their children. Call attention to positive qualities.

6) Use self-esteem as motivation. "You made a good choice. You should be proud of yourself!"

7) Behave yourself . Provide good example by being responsible, not perfect.

8) Behave consistently. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Follow through. Do not give in to misbehavior demands.

9) Behave proactively. Anticipate problems and plan to avoid them.

10) Use punishments that teach better decision-making.

11) Stay calm when your button is being pushed. Understand that anger gets in the way and makes conflicts worse.

12) Have patience for the time it takes to see change in yourself and your children.

Monday, September 11, 2006

How To Behave So Your Children Will Too

Was introduced to this book a couple of weeks ago, and after thumbing through it briefly, I could clearly say this is a very good book on parenting to consider for your library collection.

My husband was all praises of this book after he's started reading it...almost after every page, he'll exclaim that it's an excellent book... *grin*

Here's some info on the book and the author of the book...take a look...

These books were written by Dr. Sal Severe for parents or anyone who works with children and families. The entertaining stories and practical ideas were gathered from the author's 26 years experience working as a school psychologist and teaching parenting classes to 40,000+ parents.

The examples put parents at ease and empower them with specific, positive strategies to replace their own behavior with patterns that produce more cooperative behavior in their children. It explains how to be consistent, manage anger, prevent arguments and power struggles and how to teach children to listen -- the first time! It is rich with sensible and useful activities for parent and teacher training, counseling and consultation.

A Few of the Topics in How to Behave So Your Children Will, Too! Include:
- How Children Learn To Misbehave
- How Successful Parents Behave
- Changing Your Behavior: Where to Begin
- Incentives for Children
- What Happens When You Do Not Follow Through
- The Difference Between Threats and Warnings
- Whining, Teasing and Tantrums
- How to Cope with Anger, Stress and Guilt
- How To Punish Your Children Without Punishing Yourself
- Correcting Misbehavior With Time-Out
- Why You Can't Win a Power Struggle
- Reducing Attention Seeking
- How to Ignore - When to Ignore
- Resolving Conflicts Between Siblings
- Responsibility, Chores and Allowance
- How To Enjoy Being A Parent